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Re: Solo on TV

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Solo on TV
From: "Brian Garfield" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 11:45:37 -0500
GH, actually, that was another reason I hesitate on pursuing it.

In all honesty, my first goal was a selfish one.  It was to keep me working,
in both a field that I love and a topic I love.
I still think I could do it for that again, as long as it was on a channel
such as Speedvision, where mostly racers/would-be racers tune in.  I DO feel
that exposing the sport to the mainstream market can ruin it.

Without thinking all day about it, here's what I believe happens:
- You get much higher participation which at a local level can be very
difficult to accommodate.  Some areas, like D.C. have had a difficult time
finding good lots (until very recently) so we've had most events fill in
less than 30 minutes.
- Many more one-timers with less seriousness and possibly less concern.
- More accidents which brings NEGATIVE local television exposure and a bad
reputation.  Not to mention more misunderstanding from the public and law

But, I only believe the above would happen if it ended up on Fox's regular
network and it would be called "When Pylons Attack!"

Brian Garfield

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: Solo on TV

> OK, my curiosity has finally gotten the best of me.....
> To those who are certain that we can and should get Solo on TV, what
> do you see as the benefits (direct or otherwise) from accomplishing
> that goal?  Benefits to the SCCA, to your local club, to yourself, to the
> Solo community as a whole?
> This topic continues to come up for discussion again and again, and no
> one ever gets past the argument over initial costs and who might foot
> the bill.  What's our motivation for doing this?  Has anyone thought far
> enough ahead to consider what the unintended consequences of
> large-scale public exposure to our sport *could* mean to its future, and
> what that future might look like?  Bob Tunnell and Rich Fletcher both
> addressed this point briefly in their posts from a year or more ago, but
> every discussion since has completely ignored their comments, IMO.
> I have no intention of taking sides in the discussion, it simply puzzles
> me that everyone advocating putting Solo on TV seems to assume that
> nothing but good things would come out of it.
> GH
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