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Re: Autocross Coverage Nationwide

To: Carol Holt <>,
Subject: Re: Autocross Coverage Nationwide
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 16:50:36 -0800 or 800-58-KELLY or as some have pointed out 800-KT-KELLY. 
Whoa...great plug, but the subscription price is a mere $24.00 a year,
$45.00 for two (first class an extra $20 a year).... Thanks.
--Pat Kelly
>From: "Carol Holt" <>
>To: "'Pat Kelly'" <>, <>
>Subject: Autocross Coverage Nationwide
>Date: Sun, Dec 16, 2001, 6:35 AM

>Being involved with autocrossing now for some over 30 years.  I have seen
>the changes in all aspects of our sport.  I have always felt the
>autocrossing is a sport for those who have a love affair with driving their
>cars to the optimum of their abilities without having to spend a fortune to
>do so.  I have read many of the different auto related magazines on the
>market, and have seen that they all have their place.  But when is comes to
>pure Autocross coverage I will rate the NORTH AMERICAN PYLON with a 11.
>John and Pat Kelley have been very long time supporters of the sport of
>Autocross.  Their publication is the best for the person who has a very keen
>interest in the sport.  They provide coverage for all the clubs, and not for
>just one organization, and they do an excellent job of publishing the
>information that we as clubs provide them (I know that we could get better
>coverage, but we as an organization do not seem to be able to get the job
>done, and need to improve and send Pat and John Kelley the information about
>us, and they will be more then glad to publish it.)  The North American
>Pylon is not driven by the Advertiser, as so many publications are, but it
>is really driven by the reader of their fine publication.  I would suggest
>if anyone enjoys autocrossing to send Pat and John a check for $50 bucks for
>a years subscription and tell them to keep the change, so that they can
>provide us all with a better publication, even though it does not need any
>Come Race in the Streets with Us!
>Tom Blanchard
>Council of Motorsports Clubs-Rocky Mountain Region Inc.

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