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Re: Allies vs Axis

To: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Subject: Re: Allies vs Axis
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 16:37:53 -0500
Hi Rocky-

Another grand and glorious victory for the Forces of Goodness and Light!

In answer to all the criticism from the Crybaby Axis Losers...  Er, uh, I
mean, Our Esteemed Axis Competitors, this year Dr. Jackson did the
scorekeeping on large sheets of paper posted on the side of the equipment
trailer.  He posted the winner of each class as times were recorded, noting
whether they were "Allies" or "Axis" cars, and kept a running total of
classes won by each.  He also kept a running total of the points scored in
each class as the times came in.  Out of a total of 28 classes in
competition, the Allies won 18 to the Axis 10.  I don't recall the exact
numbers for the Points-Per-Class total, but it was equally lop-sided.  And
it was all done in plain view.  So there!

Peace, Love & Pushrods-
JD Kemp &
"Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB

So ... who won?

(What's the smiley for tongue in cheek?)

--Rocket J.

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