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Changes at Speedvision

Subject: Changes at Speedvision
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 21:25:32 EDT
I have been following the changes at Speedvision with great interest since 
Fox acquired the network in July of this year.  I am a big supporter of 
Speedvision. When my local cable provider, Adelphia Cable, did not provide 
Speedvision I subscribed to Direct TV specifically in order to be able to 
have access to the Speedvision network.  I now have digital cable access 
through Comcast Cable in Chester Springs, PA.

I watch a wide variety of your programming, including F1, all available road 
racing, WRC, SCCA Runoffs, Auto Week, marine and motorcycle and other special 

The one area of motorsports I have very little interest in is NASCAR.  I am 
extremely disappointed in the obvious direction toward becoming the NASCAR 
Network your network is taking.  I certainly understand why Fox is moving 
Speedvision in this direction.  As popular as NASCAR is in this country, I 
sure it will be a huge success.  Unfortunately, you will disenfranchise many 
of your loyal supporters in the process of changing the network to a much 
more NASCAR oriented programming schedule as the Speed Channel.

I wish you every success in this new direction.  I will not be dropping my 
Speedvision subscription just yet, but rest assured that I will do so at the 
point in the future when I no longer find the breadth of programming that 
originally drew me to the network.  Hopefully, that day will never come, but 
unfortunately I am not so confident based on the recent announcements.

Steve Landstra
Chester Springs, PA

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