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STS Tires

To: "Team.Net (Group)" <>
Subject: STS Tires
From: "Roger Johnson" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 21:36:50 -0700
You know, I have been looking for an excuse to 'unsubscribe'
from this list, and some of y'all have just provided it.  Reading
some of the stuff here can really color one's enjoyment of the
sport, as others that have quit the lists have stated.

You can be look at it as another non-PC curmudgeon gone, leaving
some of the current insanity (creation of yet another class,
wanting to kill a successful category) go on with
one less long-term autocrosser left to challenge it.

The final straw is the hammering that Dennis Grant is getting
over the STS tire rules:

#1 - If the '140' treadwear rule was enforceable, I would be the FIRST
in line to propose it for the entire Stock Category.  It is NOT enforceable.

#2 - The '140' treadwear rule is a huge part of the success of STS.

#3 - Given the inherent conflict between #1 and #2 above, STS is
in fact based in a foundation of sand.

Let your emotions argue if you must, but anyone who has been involved
in Solo II at the National level for more that 10 years will verify the
clear logic & rationale that drives this FACT.

I think the active phrase here is "those who ignore the lessons of history
are doomed to repeat them".  Keep your heads deep in the sand, and enjoy
the class as long as it lasts.

I am gone.

Roger (Ohio) Johnson

419 435-9169 (h/o)
419 944-7958 (c)
800 422-1682 x89525 (vm)

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