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Will the real "R" tire please stand up? was:Re: Proposal for SP

To: <>, <>
Subject: Will the real "R" tire please stand up? was:Re: Proposal for SP
From: "Bruce Wentzel" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 14:51:52 -0400
> And if you want to play the attendance figures game, you guys got beaten
> the "supplimental class" SM (43+6 = 49) vs STS (39+6 = 45)
Dennis, this may be the chink in you argument (which I don't disagree with)

The tire manufacturers have said in the past that they would in fact play
this game of TWR "adjustment" if necessary to be the best in the class when
TWR was a criteria. This was in regard to all of stock classes having a TWR
requirement.  However, I'm not so sure that they would go to the expense for
a single class of 45 entrants.

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