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SEDiv Solo2 Update

To: (Evolution Discussion),
Subject: SEDiv Solo2 Update
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 23:09:08 EDT
Frankly, it's not good news.

Our chances for getting in a third event to complete the 2001 Evolution SEDiv 
Championship Series are very slim and I don't know how to resolve Class 
Championships.  The only potential site available is in Florida, but it's 
never been used before so there are politics to resolve, nobody's been there 
to review the layout, we'd have to get the region's permission to use it, 
etc.  My personal & business schedule precludes an event in October.  

Supposedly the Central Florida Region has a special 2-day regional event at 
Disney World planned the 1st weekend in November.  The Buccaneer Region is 
hosting the Florida State Championships at Whitehouse Field the 2nd weekend.  
Thanksgiving is the 4th Nov weekend, which leaves only the 3rd weekend open 
for a November event.  It doesn't make sense to try and have a Florida 
divisional in between all that, or does it?  The annual Allied-vs-Axis event 
occurs in early Dec. and most people will be saving for Christmas; so 
December doesn't look too good either.

I'm at a total loss on how to resolve the situation.  Since this your 
program, got any suggestions?

Mark Sipe
SEDiv Solo2 Steward

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