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Re: more on integra clutch problems (update)

To: <>, "Autox" <>
Subject: Re: more on integra clutch problems (update)
From: "Brian Berryhill" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 01:08:01 -0500
> The clutch will be replaced with a factory/OEM unit and the stock flywheel
> will be run true at the shop before it goes back in.  The dealer had said
> (and still says, we talked to the service guy yesterday that you must
> absolutely buy a new factory flywheel when installing a new clutch on an
> integra GSR - any validity to this or is this really true?

Don't listen to the dealer.  Look in a factory service manual first.  Talk
to other people who have replaced the clutches second.  Many times a dealer
is right, but many times a dealer will do anything to make a buck.

Although I don't know much about 'tegs, I know you don't have to install a
new flywheel when replacing the clutch on a Ford Probe.  You're right in
having the face resurfaced, and that's all you should have to do.  I assume,
that, like brake rotors, you can only resurface a flywheel so many times.
So, maybe after resurfacing the flywheel face enough of times, you would
have to replace it from either lack of material or distances out of spec.

Now, my question:  "any validity to this or is this really true?"  Isn't
something that's true a valid statement? :o)


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