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Nationals Breakdown

To: "Autox" <>
Subject: Nationals Breakdown
From: "Brian Berryhill" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 23:57:48 -0500
I was scanning stock class results and just wondered what other people's
input was.


Here's my observations:

SS:  you'd have no idea that the Rx7 used to dominate since the Z06 seems to
have taken over.  But, my question.... is the Z06 really the better car, so
everybody decided to drive it instead of their 7's?  I really respect
Falkner's Boxster S 3rd place finish amidst all of the Vettes.

AS:  I would have guessed the S2000 would have won AS, but maybe this year's
course wasn't an S2000 course.  So, maybe the S2000 isn't the overdog that I
thought it possibly could be.

BS:  with the Spyders success this year, I'm surprised the Miatas were so
dominating.  But, I expected more Spyders to show up.

DS:  is this what happens when Dodge takes away contingency?  I would have
thought a Neon would have taken DS, not a 318.

ES:  what's the protest about?

GS:  its nice to see the ITR had some good competition.  The IS300 and WRX
are definitely forces to be reckoned with, as well as the BMW's, Camaros,
and DSM's.  I wonder how things will be next year.  How did an S2000 (29th)
get classed in GS?

Now, since I wasn't in Topeka and I don't know hardly any of the drivers
there, I'm making these observations just looking at results.  I've heard
that the course might have had something to do with how cars faired and just
wanted some input from the people there.



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