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Re: Saftey Belt

To: Eric Salem <>
Subject: Re: Saftey Belt
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2001 17:57:57 -0500
Without naming names, Eric, I think I can clear this up for you - 
since "I" was the guy who had to write up the incident report on it.
It happened at a 2000 SOWDIV Divisional in Mineral Wells, Texas, 
during the Saturday night "hospitality" party.

MOST of the competitors were gathered under a huge tent to escape the 
scorching (103-degree) Texas heat and to eat Solo dogs and watermelon. 
      But, while we were there, a small handful of competitors were 
playing around at the very rear of the paddock - taking turns riding a 
fellow competitor's motorized bar stool.  They were well out of my 
vision and hearing, so I didn't have the foggiest idea what was going 
on until the rider in question wiped out and somebody came running to 
get me.

This wasn't the turbo-charged, Honda-powered variety that somebody 
else emailed a link to - it was just a bread-and-butter Briggs & 
Stratton-powered version.  But it was equally top-heavy with a rider 
on board.  And, the faster you went, the squirrelier it got.  The 
rider who was hurt was, apparently, pretty-well cookin' when he got 
into some rough pavement and went t*ts over toenails into the asphalt. 
  He was treated at the site and then in the local emergency room but 
he was NOT admitted to the hospital.  He was back at the event Sunday 
morning and competed - though rather painfully - in a prepared car.

Now, with all of that said to clear the air about the incident, I 
think you could boil it all down to a case of horseplay-gone-bad.  (As 
it usually does!!)  I, for one, think that this is the type of vehicle 
that we just don't need at ANY of our autox events - anywhere on the 
site.  But, it's up to the event Solo Safety Steward to determine 
whether a vehicle - motorized or not - is suitable for use at that 
event.  It also brings home the point that those of us who wear the 
neon lime green hats need to be aware of everything that's going on 
all the time - even when there aren't cars on the course.

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman
   Safety Belt Editor
Member, National Solo Safety Committee

Eric Salem wrote:

> The current Safety Belt lists the Solo incidents in '00. 
> There's one particular incident that happened in Texas, SEB 00-SEB-054,
> with the description, 'Fell off powered bar stool.' The individual
> involved hurt their head, arms, legs, other and had a laceration. And
> they were hospitalized.
> Somebody on the list has to know what happened. How does one fall off a
> bar stool and get hurt that bad? 
> e
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