"Phil Ethier" <pethier@isd.net> wrote...
> There is no "slow down" in autocross. This ain't a road race. If you
> slow, your run is trashed, so you might as well stop.
Stopping on course is not necessarily wise, especially if you weren't
told to do so, because there may be a car following 20 seconds behind you.
If they aren't stopping you, maybe no one is stopping him either.
And now that I think about it, there is "slow down" in autocross,
although not normally on course. I've seen people given the slow down
signal in grid and paddock, as well as after the finish. Hell, I gave one
to a guy screwing around in an S2000 on an access road.
I, for one, don't understand why you'd use the worshipping motion,
which is AFAIK almost universally accepted to mean "slow down", instead of
say, waving arms in a vertical plane ( with or without a flag ).
To me, that'd be like deciding to have the starter use an open-hand,
fingers-up sign to send cars. I'll just have to add it to the list of
things that make no sense to me, and try to remember it if I ever go up to
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