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CANCELLED: Tampa/CFR SEDiv Solo2 event

Subject: CANCELLED: Tampa/CFR SEDiv Solo2 event
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 22:19:46 EDT
SEDiv Solo2 competitors,

It grieves me to report that we must cancel the 2nd event of the 2001 
Evolution Performance Driving School SEDiv Solo2 Championship Series 
scheduled July 21 & 22 at McDill AFB in Tampa, FL.  A new commander came in 
several months ago and ceased all autocross activities at the McDill base.  I 
am solely to blame for the situation as the Central Florida Region didn't 
want to use the McDill site because of it's volatility, but I insisted.  
Lately it looked like we were going to work through the issue with the new 
commander, but time is running out, we are not making progress on re-gaining 
access to the scheduled site, and we do not have an alternate site to use on 
such short notice.  Hence, the cancellation.

I know this is an inconvenience to many of you who made special plans and 
arrengements so you could attend this event, but I especially want to 
apologize to Frank Edwards and the rest of the CFR Solo2 program coordinators 
who worked so diligently to pull everything together for the event, only to 
see their efforts go to waste.

At this point I do not have a plan of action in place to address the 
cancellation accept to say that I will make every effort to find a 
replacement event in the Florida area if possible .  However, due to the 
lateness of the season, and the present schedule of other events & 
activities, it looks like it will be another post-Nationals time frame before 
we could fit in the replacement event.  I'll see what we can come up with and 
let you know.

So the next event of the Evolution SEDiv Solo2 Series will be held Aug. 25-26 
at the Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry, GA.  This event is a definite 
happening.  The SEDiv event will be part of the annual Georgia Motorfest 
show.  In addition to the standard SEDiv Solo2 fare of free, on-site 
Evolution-sponsored lunch socials for both days and the Edwards & Edwards 
Consulting (the SEDiv Solo2 website provider and manager) SEDiv Rookie 
Challenge Series, we will also be featuring the exciting, new Evolution Team 
Challenge concept event.  

Thanks to excellent sponsorship from both Kumho Tires & Evolution, the Team 
Challenge event should produce a large, deep payout to rival anything else in 
the solo2 community.  Entry into the Team Challenge portion of the event 
includes a free practice session from 9 AM - 3 PM on the Friday Aug. 24.  For 
more information please go to the Official E&EC SEDiv Solo2 Website located 

Thanks for all your support, patience, and understanding.

Mark Sipe
SCCA SEDiv Solo2 Steward

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