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Re: Big Brother, the original question

To: Rocky Entriken <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: Big Brother, the original question
From: Andrew Schmiechen <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 17:31:24 -0500
AHH... But why would a dealership care if you raced your car?  It's my
understanding that the dealership gets paid by the manufacturer to fix your
car.  Either way, they get paid, so what difference should it make to them.


> From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
> Reply-To: "Rocky Entriken" <>
> Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 16:53:35 -0500
> To: ".Team.Net" <>
> Subject: Big Brother, the original question
> The closest (and about only) response on point so far is the one from Arthur
> Emerson about VW and Nissan dealerships in Jersey sending service reps to
> the dragstrip to photo and note cars that were competing. That still does
> not confirm any "spying" on our websites.

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