An employee does that every year at TMS. He has progressed up to the
"passing" lap stage of their program. He has shown me his time sheets and
last year he did an average lap of 170+ mph. I don't care how sanitized
it is, 170 is 170. 8^)
When we took the laps at the National Tour and laid back and sling shotted
our way back up to the pace car, we got up to about 3,000 rpm in 5th in
the RX-7. It seemed pretty slow to me. The only thing that I found
interesting (other that how darty the car was) was the inability to see
where you are going on the oval looking out the windshield. It lends
itself to looking ahead because the only way to see "up" track was through
the side window left of the A pillar. Scary was riding with my brother
Joe when he was driving. Of course, he will tell you the reverse is true.
James Rogerson
[FP #125] - Techless Racing
"Nails are glue, hypothetically speaking" - Lou Fertile
"Men that like golf are unhappy at home and incapable of having a
meaningful relationship with women" - Joseph Heller
"The people who vote decide nothing. The people who count the vote decide
- Josef Stalin.