> Subject: 1998 Chev 3500 Dually w/ 454 engine..
So a great big honkin' truck, with a lot of its own mass to accelerate...
> Problem: Absolute sucky fuel use. I don't mean "well you gotta big
> engine, of course it's going to suck" kind of mileage. I mean like 3 to
> miles per gallon. Empty. Not towing.
> It runs great. No one can seem to figure out why this is. Can anyone
> relate any common experiences?? Any suggested areas to look at? Thanks
> gang!
Whenever you have eliminated the alternatives, the remaining choice - no
matter how improbable - must be the solution. So:
1) How is it driven? Big honkin' heavy truck, big-ass motor... if this is
driven in stop-and-go traffic, and it's treated like a dinky little sports
car, then it will burn a ton of fuel. It takes a lot of energy to
accelerate this much truck in a short period of time; hard acceleration can
burn off a lot of fuel.
2) The engine is fine... so how about the transmission? Is it slipping? Is
all the power you're making getting to the rear wheels?
3) Is something dragging, ie, are the brakes perhaps dragging a little?
Tires underinflated? Great big chunk of plywood bolted on the cab normal to
the airstream?
4) Is the odometer calibrated correctly?
5) Is someone stealing fuel? Is someone using the truck that you're not
aware of?
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