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More Driven drivel

To: "auto x x" <>
Subject: More Driven drivel
From: "ds_schwabe" <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 06:56:09 -0500
Yeah, Bruce you pretty much hit it on the head. I'll probably see Driven on
DVD, but not in the theater.

If it exposes new folks to the sport, I guess that's a good thing. But why
do certain details always drive us folks *in the know* so nuts??

For me, it's things like the 30 times aforementioned "half-throttle, then
floor it to pass." I mean, how can a director, even a non-car guy, be
allowed to film something like that?? That has so be one of the stupidest
shots in the universe. Right up there with Gone in 60 Seconds when Cage is
in a drainage basin running the GT500 at top speed... there he is in a
big-block Mustang pulling 7,500 (or so) in 4th.... he's topped out. So what
does he do? He hits the nitrous button and rockets out of sight. Wow, he
must have one of those rare Ford big blocks that can turn 11,000 RPM.

Hollywood... :-(


Bruce Haden writes:
This discussion makes me think back to that epic movie Days of Thunder.
It was decent entertainment and I laughed myself silly in a couple of
places and generally enjoyed it, but as a racing movie it SUCKED. I doubt
that I will see Driven, if for no other reason than I just can't suspend
my disbelief enough to imagine Stallone as a driver in an indy-type car.
I think us racer types always expect too much when it comes to Hollywood
and racing. My biggest gripe about them is always the lack of technical
correctness (see comment below about "...20 gears..."). They should be able
to get the details right for those of us
who care. It wouldn't change the overall movie plot at all and us picky
people would be satisfied that our sport was accuratly represented. If I
just want to watch some kick-ass driving I can always just watch the
"Bullit" chase scene again; if I can ever get it back from my cousin!

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