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Re: BMW produced chase scene

To: "Alan Dahl" <>
Subject: Re: BMW produced chase scene
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 22:44:33 -0700
Works great from here just now; Win98/IE5.5.  Can try from the Sun box right
now, I'm flailing around trying to get a USB keyboard to work.

Do I get extra credit for recognizing the driver (Clive Owen) from the game
classic "Privateer 2: The Darkening"??


> On Monday, April 30, 2001, at 01:29 PM, wrote:
> >
> > large
> >
> > OK, so it's a 740i boat anchor vs. a cargo van, but I still give BMW
> > major cool points for producing this short film.
> Has anyone else got this page to work? All I get is a "A temporary error
> has occured. Please try again in a few minutes." error, no matter if I
> do it from Netscape or IE from a Mac or a PC. Perhaps their servers are
> so busy they can't handle the volume?
> - Alan Dahl
> --------------
> Alan Dahl                                               home:
> Federal Way, WA, USA                       work:
>          ICQ 52688023

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