Finally, a post on this subject that makes sense.............
Rick (thumbing through his thesaurus/dictionary) Brown
FP 240Z
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 11:34 AM
Subject: RE: A way to reduce some classes
> I've got a beef with Dennis Grant. I begin with critical semantic
> clarifications. First, I am deliberately using colorful language in this
> letter. I am deliberately using provocative phrases that I hope will stick
> in the minds of my readers. I do ensure, however, that my words are always
> appropriate and accurate and clearly explain how one could truthfully say
> that Dennis's newsgroup postings prove that he did little to no research
> before concluding that human life is expendable. But saying that would
> the real point, which is that his intimations are not our only concern. To
> state the matter in a few words, I cannot promise not to be angry at him.
> do promise, however, to try to keep my anger under control, to keep it
> leading me -- as it leads Dennis -- to reap a harvest of death. I, not
> one of the many pestilential recidivists of this world, cannot believe how
> many actual, physical, breathing, thinking people have fallen for Dennis's
> subterfuge. I'm totally stunned. Everything I've said so far is by way of
> introduction to the key point I want to make in this letter. My key point
> that I'm sure Dennis wouldn't want me to eavesdrop on his secret
> conversations. So why does he want to practice human sacrifice on a grand
> scale in some sort of socially inept death cult? To rephrase that
> why does he have to be such a party pooper? Fortunately for us, the key to
> the answer is obvious: "Dennis" has now become part of my vocabulary.
> Whenever I see someone set the hoops through which we all must jump, I
> him or her to stop "Dennis-ing".
> Who is Dennis to decide what is morally acceptable for us and what is not?
> What kind of loser wants to invade every private corner and force every
> thought into a pusillanimous mold? A loser like Dennis. His lickspittles
> believe that "cannibalism, wife-swapping, and the murder of infants and
> elderly are acceptable behavior." First off, that's a lousy sentence. If
> they had written that the despicable tone used by Dennis in his effusions
> shows what kind of person he really is, then that quote would have had
> validity. As it stands, Dennis is addicted to the feeling of power, to the
> idea of controlling people. Sadly, he has no real concern for the welfare
> the destiny of the people he desires to lead. Dennis Grant's whitewash of
> the issue offers no real analysis of the situation that resulted in his
> homicidal, tendentious insults in the first place. That's all I have to
> Thank you for reading this letter.
> Eric (that's, I say that's a joke son) Linnhoff in KC
> 1998 Dodge Neon R/T
> #69 STS #13 TLS
> ICQ#101282513