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To: autox <>
Subject: Pro-weather
From: Bill Sanford <>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 22:15:14 -0700
Randy wrote:
We also had a number of weather related reruns. Wind has been blustery, 
reaching peaks of 40mph. A severe thunderstorm struck today, but right
the last car finished running. I have never had hail hit my car as hard
as I 
saw/heard today..but then, I am from Southern California. Some people
runs with a small amount of rain, but I doubt it affected times, it
to evaporate as it hit the ground. Tomorrow is supposed to be clear.
Must be 
because I brought the rain tires. :)
--Randy, if it makes you feel any better, on Saturday in San Diego, we
hail, wind and rain. A speaker was blown over and destroyed too.
Bill Sanford

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