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Lubbock ProSolo

Subject: Lubbock ProSolo
From: "Randy Chase" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 18:28:14 -0700
Sorry if this info was already posted. I don't have access to my normal 

Some info: The course is very long. I don't think I have ever seen a Pro 
this long. Surface is grippy concrete. Seems very Nationals/Topeka like. 
Course is also fast overall, though not really fast in any one section. 
Unfortunately for my car, the course is mostly done in the lower part of my 
3rd gear, including the two slaloms. I tend to have trouble doing slaloms in 
third, because I lose throttle control. If I keep it in 2nd gear, I bang on 
the limiter for a lot of the course. As it is, I am shifting 2-3-2 three 

Launches are a lot easier than at El Toro. Lights are working okay, but 
there are some timing gremlins, specially with runs on the right side 
getting under 10 second times.

We also had a number of weather related reruns. Wind has been blustery, 
reaching peaks of 40mph. A severe thunderstorm struck today, but right after 
the last car finished running. I have never had hail hit my car as hard as I 
saw/heard today..but then, I am from Southern California. Some people had 
runs with a small amount of rain, but I doubt it affected times, it seemed 
to evaporate as it hit the ground. Tomorrow is supposed to be clear. Must be 
because I brought the rain tires. :)

Great event so far. Now if I can quit hitting cones...

Randy Chase

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