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Re: Honda takes out...

Subject: Re: Honda takes out...
From: "James Laukaitis" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 10:07:56 -0400
Dan said,

<It amazes me how i see most of those Accord-owners (not all, just
the "rice") or any others for that matter, drive their cars.  The
seat reclined all teh way back where they look out the side from the
rear seat door window and steer with their arms completely extended
with locked elbows.  How do you expect to control a car at those
highway speeds in an emergency situation?>

Very true!
It is completely moronic.
I guess laid back "Hat on sideways, pants on backwards..." (Bill Cosby
-stand up a long time ago, although now it should be revised with "pants
with crotch down to the knees") is the in thing to do, but I tried it one
and almost went up on the curb. The ricers around here recline way back and
lean on the center console and look out the middle of the car. Some
extremists maybe look out more the passenger side. So I tried it. Not only
do you render  your mirrors useless, and you have no control what so ever
with your arms locked like that. I don't understand it. I guess its like
cigarettes, completely dangerous but you look cool.

BTW - took a "Fast Eddie" run (Eveyone tries the same car once for best
time and a trophy) in a 1st generation MR2. Fun, but I was all over the
place. It IS a big jump from a 4D front engine, front drive V6, to a mid
engine 4cyl, rear drive. Since I would like to be a little more competitive
in a rear engine car, so I don't make a fool of myself again when (if) I
get the MGB-GT going. I dont want to rehash the switching from front wheel
drive to rear wheel drive, but can I get it out of archive? How do I do
that? Please forgive my ignorance, and reply to me directly for fear of
wrath from the crowd.


Jim L
2000 Maxima SE
1967 MGB-GT -doesn't move, just gets rained on
"my karma ran over your dogma"

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