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Real Data

To: "" <>
Subject: Real Data
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 10:55:23 -0400
kevin Stevens writes:

<<I notice you left out those 944 numbers, Matt.  I didn't get very far with
looking them up, but did see 27xx lbs listed in a couple of places...>>>

Do you know how many 944 variants there are? This is not a complete list but
it is what is used by the PCA for club racing classifications:

'83-85 944    2776     143
'85- 944 2.5  2776     147
'86-88 951    2899     217
'87- 924S      2734     147
'88 924S        2734     158
'87-88 944S  2822      188
'88- 944 2.7  2864      165
'88-89 951S  2998      247
'89-91 944S2 2932     225
'93-95 968     3086     236

Yeah, these are real underdogs alright! I just bet they will dominate SM2
just as they dominate ASP...

Paul Foster

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