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Fast and Furious is Passe

To: "''" <>
Subject: Fast and Furious is Passe
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 10:17:30 -0700
I remember a similar controversy as the one presented by this new epic, "The
Fast and Furious." When I was just a girl, there was this other movie that
outraged the autocross community in a similar fashion. Only, we didn't have back then, so we actually had to take matters in our own hands,
beyond just typing furiously on computers. Although I was just a child, I
remember a bunch of picketing, and a lot of letter writing to the Hollywood
movie industry for making such an irresponsible film. 

Concerns were the same as today: creating heroes out of street hooligans and
the like, and depicting our family sport with all that sex and violence.

In the end, "Death Race 2000" went down as possibly one of the worst films
ever. Part of this could be because it is really one of the worst movies
ever made, but I also like to think that the Solo II community's
collaborative effort to shoot it down before it was ever released might have
had a part in it.

Earlier, in the sixties, I understand that there was a similar, yet more
underground (Solo II was not yet a part of SCCA), letter writing campaign
lodged against that terribly insulting slam against autocrossers, "Faster
Pussy Cat, Kill! Kill!" I'd have to confirm this, though, with someone who
actually autocrossed in those days.

Katie Kelly

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