On the converter I bought for my 2001 Z3 the Wires are labeled as follows.
Green = right turn
Brake = red
Left brake = left turn
Tail = brown
Ground = white
I addition there is another thicker red wire to the battery. This is alswo
the same on my '97 M3
It also states in the directions that different auto manufacturers use
different wire colors so you should go by function not color but I presume
the plug color stands --- maybe ;)
Hope this helps.
Holly McReynolds
'97 BMW M3
'01 BMW Z3
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 08:22:07 -0600
> From: "Steven Volpp" <>
> Subject: Trailer Wiring
> A standard 7 way plug is labeled with the following colors:
> White
> Red
> Green
> Brown
> Blue
> Can anyone tell me what those colors are "supposed" to do?
> ------------------------------
> End of ax-digest V1 #476
> ************************