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Re: In Defense of Rpilfold

To: John Coffey <>
Subject: Re: In Defense of Rpilfold
From: Gail/Sid deLeon <>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 18:04:46 -0600
What does this have to do, with his acting like a ass on ?

John Coffey wrote:

> Although I never saw Richard's original post, I can assume that he fired 
>something off on the spur of the moment as most of us have done.
> Here in Cal Club Richard has helped me considerably over the years going 
>faster in my 240Z.  He kinda took me under his wing when I was first starting 
>out back in 1996 and brought me up to a level where I could benefit from more 
>advanced instruction.  S
> ince then I've also attended a Phase 1 and Phase 2 Evo school with Tom 
>Kotzian and Ron Baur as my instructors.
> All (including Richard) contributed a lot to my growth in the sport.  Now, 
>since I'm not a regular poster on Team.Net and occaisionally get in arguments 
>with Mark Sipe about whether you adjust one or both sides of an anti-roll bar, 
>this post probably wo
> n't carry much weight.
> But please remember, a person doesn't have to participate in Team.Net or the 
>Evolution list to contribute a lot to this sport.  I think Richard just had a 
>bad day and posted something stupid.  If not, he'll tell me Sunday when we go 
>at it in BSP at El T
> oro.
> -----
> John Coffey

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