> These cars are hard to class...where would ya'll put the S4 and the WRX?
GS, no question about it. The WRX is an ugly DSM, with a touch more power
and a touch less weight (it's not hard to imagine a 2001 DSM AWD - had they
been continued - having similar specs) The S4 has more power, but it weighs
a LOT more too, and is bigger.
The Lancer EVO is coming to the US in the next couple of years, it should
go to GS too. The good Audi TT (currently in AS) is grossly misclassed, and
should go to GS with its little brother.
This would give you:
- Type R
- Audi TT
- Audi S4
- Lancer EVO
- Subaru WSX
All in the same class, which is a rocking good mix, both from performance
parity and marketing standpoints.
While we're at it, with the Boxster S and the Z06 in SS, the class has
gotten *signifigantly* faster this year. So it's time to bring the Viper
out of ASP gaol and class it in SS where it belongs. If the thought of the
Porsche, z06, and the Viper squaring off in SS doesn't get your blood
pumping, then there's no help for you.