I hope I am doing my part by bringing my daughter to our autoxes. She
has been autoxing for the last 2 years, and she has started bringing her
college buds with her.
Keith Edwards
Suffolk, VA
4.25 CRXs
Michael Poorboy wrote:
> Hi list ,
> I am looking over the past participation of the female drivers
> in our club. The numbers seemed to be very low probably
> around 4% to 5% per event. I feel we should be around 10%
> to 15% and growing at this time.
> What are most of the other clubs percentages and how are you
> drawing more females to your events ? Any help with this would
> be helpful.
> Ladies I hope you don't take offense to this post . I am truly trying
> to open up the club to all and not single out others. Any ladies out
> there who have things that would make them feel more comfortable
> at an autocross event please let me know.
> In the pass we have offered free admission to any competitor who
> brought along a female to compete. This has only helped on the event
> day only and most do not return to other events.
> Thanks,
> Mike