At 12:56 PM 1/27/2001 -0600, Eric Linnhoff wrote:
>Howdy all.
>Well, it's come up again on our local KC mailing list. The subject of
>"member" Solo fees versus "guest" fees.
>The KCRSCCA recently (within the last 2 years) raised all Solo event entry
>fees to the same $20 regardless of whether you're a SCCA member or a guest.
>Some lame-ass tax reason was the excuse. Something about running a business
>if we charge guests more and then owing income tax or not being able to
>retain our non-for-profit status.
>Anyway, has any other region out there that gives a slight fee break to
>their members ever had any problems with the tax man because of it? I want
>some ammo when I go before our local board and tell 'em they're full-o-crap
>on the tax issue.
>And if anyone has had issues with the tax man over entry fees, what were
>they and how were they resolved?
I know of no "tax man" problems in the Kansas Region but we decided this
week at our informal Solo meeting that this year we are going to give a
discount to ALL SCCA members, whether they are Kansas Region members or
not. I didn't tell them that as chief of registration I did this all of
last year.<G>
What the #### kind of "tax" problems could there be that would involve
entry fees???
Gary Spray
Topeka, Kansas
White 1990 Mazda Miata
Kansas Region SCCA - Solo 2
#16 CS (or 19, or 61, or 91, or 1, or 6, or 9; only got two numbers)