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Re: BREAKING NEWS: New ProSolo Timing System

Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS: New ProSolo Timing System
From: Bob Monday <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 15:37:55 -0800 (PST)
If the purpose of autocross is to get the adrenalin pumping, there's
nothing that does it like having only a few seconds to stage, then
watching the lights come down the tree knowing that your time starts on
green, not when you break the start light. 

I remember how laid back "regular" autocross seemed after running my
first Pro. I now watch the starter at an autocross waive a flag to
start a car, and to me that means "..whenever you're ready..", not
"GO!". Granted this will be a small step up from that, but still not
like watching the tree come down. 

If the word on is accurate, it will be a disappointment to
lose only to gain an RT that doesn't matter on day 1. A whole new

Bob Monday
Boys-R-Us Racing
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