I've just had a little conversation with Hisself, and I've got some dope
I'm allowed to share:
ProSolo is getting a new timing system!
Yes, that's right, hell has frozen over and Roger loses the bet. The fine
folks in Denver have approved the purchase of a new timing system for use
in 2001. (It may or may not be ready for Ft Myers)
This new system is a custom-modified version of a Real Drag Race system,
which means we get reaction times, 60' times, printed timeslips, win
lights, a bigger display, an announcer repeater panel, and (finally!)
rollouts consistant with what one would see at the dragstrip.
The new equipment also means a few small changes to the way timing/scoring
1) The time showed on the display is (like on a dragstrip) from the time
you leave the stage beam until the time you cross the finish beam. This
means that the class competitions will be based on ET, and thus reaction
times will not count. There is nothing to compel you to cut a good light,
should you not be so inclined. Note also that "first guy back" means
nothing either. Your best right-side ET plus your best left-side ET is your
class competition time of record.
While this may seem strange, it's actually directly in line with the way
things work in the drag race world, for classes like Quick 8, Quick 16, and
so on. ET is what qualifies you for the Big Show.
Note that to prevent silliness at the tree, there will be a _maximum_
reaction time, as well as a minimum - so that while you need not cut a
super-good light during qualification, neither can you sit there gathering
wool either.
2) There will likely be a prize for best reaction time during class
competition - $100 was mentioned, but don't hold me to it. A prize for best
60' was proposed, but was passed on. :(
3) During the Challenges, reaction time WILL count - first man back is the
winner, and for the first pass, the difference between the finish times is
added/subtracted to the dialins as appropriate. However, the external
displays will present the uncorrected ETs of each car, so that drivers will
know how close they are running to their dialin. In addition, the math side
of things is done automagically, so that determining who won is no longer
dependant on Howard's internal math processor.
So the procedure is like this:
a) Stage cars with class dialins programmed onto the tree.
b) Both cars finish
c) Software determines finish interval, and adds/subtracts time from the
dialin as appropriate
d) Cars switch sides, stage, and launch
e) First man back wins - with either an external win light, or (at the very
least) an internal announcer win light so wins can be immediately
All this promises to greatly speed up and simplify things, and will as well
generate a lot more excitement - especially when I rip off my first 1.5
second 60' time <evil grin> :)
All we need now are some grandstands and a little pre-event publicity, and
we gots ourselves a Show, kids!