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Re: PRO's/Time/Attendance

Subject: Re: PRO's/Time/Attendance
From: Karl Witt <>
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 10:53:07 -0500
At 10:39 AM 1/7/2001, you wrote:
>At 09:46 AM 1/7/2001, you wrote:
> >There has been much talk about Pro Solo lately.  Personally, the only reason
> >I am not at every one is the location that the event has been chosen to be
> >held at.
> >
> >If I drove to my 2 closest events (Peru and Petersburg) to qualify for
> >Nationals and drive to Topeka, I am looking at over 4800 miles.  Divide that
> >by averaging 60 mph (fuel, food and bathroom breaks) and I am looking at 80
> >hours, or ALL of my vacation time just driving to the event.
>Your logic above is flawed. Just because you're on the road for 12 hours in
>a day doesn't mean you're burning 12 hours of vacation time. count on two
>days travel time for each event. Leave sometime thursday to get there
>before practice starts/registration on friday. Leave after the event Sunday
>to get home sometime monday.  Stop at hotels as needed. so basically those
>two pros use up 4 days of vacation. that still leaves you six days of vaca
>for the profinale and nationals. I'm sure you don't want to do anything
>other than race on your vacations ;) logic is flawed too...that's 3 days vacation per event :)


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