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Re: Ah, "Pro"-Solo again

To: autox mailing list <>
Subject: Re: Ah, "Pro"-Solo again
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 22:51:27 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 27 Dec 2000, Benjamin D Thatcher wrote:
> 1. It's too difficult to tell who wins. Remember the courses AREN'T
> identical. They are mirror image and ever so different from each other.
> Therefore, it is traditional autocross run on two different courses that
> just happen to be run in close proximity to each other, period. The
> appearance of head to head competition is an illusion. They still have to
> add the times for each course together to determine a winner.

I think you could fix this by running, switching sides, and running again.
Of course, this is what happens now, but there's a few cars in the way so
you loose track of who has to get what.  If those cars weren't there, it'd
be easy enough to follow with even a partially competent announcer, and
potentially be a nice tension riser as well.

> 2. Too many classes. This is a necessary function in the current format
> because we have to have them to draw the entries from the current amateur
> pool of drivers. It's a Catch 22 because you can't develop several
> dynamite classes without serious money on the table and without the
> serious money you can't have the limited number of classes. Also, the
> viewing public will never be thrilled watching completely stock cars
> racing each other IMHO. Yet, the stock classes are where the current
> action in Pro Solo lives.

No argument here.  I'm not 100% sure about the stock classes vs. the other
classes as long as they're exciting cars though.

> Now, what to do? In my opinion, 

I think my opinion would be to televise the challenge portion, along with
briging back a semblance of the Pro class groupings from '99 (?) and
qualifying the top 4 in each class at least.  Show snippets from the
"qualifying" class runs during the challenge competition.  Leave a club
class as a feeder class that rarely or never gets tv exposure, but does
get print exposure.

Please note however that I'm not sure what we get by televising Solo (pro
or otherwise).  The hobby is relatively cheap, to the point where
many/most people can afford to do it without sponsors at all.  Sponsors,
even crappy "discount on parts" ones, are a PITA and only worthwhile when

(who used to have sponsors to keep happy and is now glad he doesn't)

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