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Subject: Forwarded message
From: List Administration <>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 15:00:42 -0700 (MST)
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For some reason, this was sent to me rather than
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     Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 14:13:37 -0700 (MST)
     From: "The Straub's" <>
     Subject: Re: Pro Solo, National Tour & Ramblings

It's up to each competitor to decide what venue whether it's Pro Solo, Solo
II Regional, Divisional Solo II Championship Series, Solo II National Tour
and National Solo II Championship.  Thanks to Tire Rack and their
sponsorship, it seems that the National II Championship is fairly secure. 

What I have found out over the years is what can the competitors afford.  

Regional Solo II.  Most regional programs have competitors in cars that if
they competed outside their local areas may be considered Street Prepared to
Modified, but local competitors do not have a problem within their class and
just allow them to compete in a misclassed car.  Other regional drivers do
not want to spend the extra money they have on the other venues of Solo II.
They rather do driving schools and faster events that maybe held on race tracks.
Most Regional events cost me:
Towing   $30.00 - $50.00
Entry Fee  $11.00 - $20.00 per event
Allocation of tire  $45.00 per event
Total cost     $115.00 per event or a cost of $38 per run given 1 minute
runs if I am lucky.  

Divisional Solo II Series  If you live on a fringe area of a Division you
may have a hard time finding a Divisional Series event near you.  Luckily,
every division does have a Divisional Championship event that stands on its

For me luckily last year and this year (2001) there is one event close (40
miles away).  Otherwise the next closest is 9 hours away.  It will cost me
about $100 not including wear and tear on race car.  Cost to attend this
event would be approximately $400.  This does not include wear & tear on the
race car or race car gas.  I think there are a total of 4 events including
the Divisional Championship Event.
Cost of running the 5 events    $1,700.   

Solo II National Tour
The closest one to me is the Peru event (Formerly Evansville event) 428
miles away.  
In 2000 lacked DM competitors.  Excellent concrete but the courses are way
too fast.  Don't get me wrong certainly a grin factor of 10.  
Cost of getting and staying there plus entry.  $350.00
Lacked a Party Saturday night (read free food).

Solo II Championship
It's 330 miles away one way I travel it 4 times one round trip to drop car
and trailer off.

Cost for 2000, $600 not including possible loss of wages.
Divisional or National Tour $400.
Race Tires $660.
Total just to compete at Nationals without car repairs $1,660.00

Forget it!!!!!!!
After competiting in Solo II for over 28 seasons I cannot justify the cost
over the benefits.  Costs not including entry fee and licenses for the
closest event $400.  The other events outside of Peru require at leat 2 days
travel each way, hotel and traveling costs of $600 per event, and does not
include 4 days of lost wages per event!!!!

Sorrry for the ramblings, so don't flame me.

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