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wrecks most style points, longish

To: "Autox" <>
Subject: wrecks most style points, longish
From: "Jeff Cawthorne" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 18:30:15 -0800
I think I will go out on a limb and say I have one of the wildest wrecks.
The most unbelievable wreck, I have had 3(all racing wrecks), was in a 400hp
World Challenge Mustang at Bondurant in Phoenix.  Bill Cooper,(a well known
world challenge racer), compared it to the space shuttle launching.  Out of
a large cloud of dust rose a very race prepared Mustang, with yours truly
behind the flight controls.  Going backwards at 100mph, the car ran over a
plastic barrier, which wedged under the right rear tire.  This wedge acted
like a pivot point which launched the car, which is going backwards, up into
the air.  So imagine a car with the nose straight up heading roof first and
the rear bumper 5 feet off the ground traveling at 100mph.  This is the
image that Bill compares to the space shuttle launch.  I of course don't
realize I am in the air until it lands on its roof 130 feet from the launch
pad.  After first impact, I go on to some most spectacular barrel rolls and
endos.  I believe the count was 3 barrel rolls and 2 complete endos.  I end
my journey facing backwards and the car  laying on the drivers door, so I
got to climb my way out the passenger window.  And yes time really does slow
down, a weird thing was that I stared at my feet during the entire incident.
I literally broke every piece on that car, the damage total was $35,000, I
highly recommend buying insurance I got away really cheap.

A less dramatic wreck was at the same facility as the previous one, but on
the main Firebird track.  It happened on the first lap of the national race
in my American Sedan Mustang.  The Camaro in front of me lost his power
steering, while bouncing off the curbs heading to the tower turn.  When the
car landed he realized his steering was out and ran out of room, he
ricocheted(sp?) off the wall, climbed up the short hill sideways and on two
wheels.  I drove underneath his car, there where tire marks on my roof and
the windshield was bashed in.  I sent him barrel rolling along the guard
rail, while I ricocheted off the wall.  When he came off the guard rail he
tagged another Mustang in the drivers door, so 1 Camaro took out both
Mustangs in that race, hmmm.  My car became a parts car, while the others
repaired all their damage to race another day.

The least dramatic happened in the same AS Mustang at Willow Springs, also
at a national race.  Going through turn 2, at full speed, the left front
wheel, yes wheel, exploded.  The car collapsed onto the tire, which happened
to be a good thing, and proceeded to go directly straight off the track.
The wheel staying under the car kept the damage to a minimum.  My whole
focus while the car bounded through the dirt was to keep the car pointed
straight.  Those that have been to Willow know that there are tons of ruts
and ditches out in the desert, so if I hit one I wanted it to be nose first,
so it would roll on me.  This was only a minor incident, the left front
fender and the brakes where the only casualties.

If you notice all my wrecks where in fully prepared race cars.  I have never
had an accident on the street(knock on wood).  Wow that was kinda long :)

Jeff Cawthorne
San Diego
89 Corvette BSP #5

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