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RE: STS and SM bogus counting?

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: STS and SM bogus counting?
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 23:47:44 -0500
Kevin Stevens writes:

<<<That's why I regard the "attract new members" argument for new classes as
nothing more than a stalking horse.  New classes are created by dedicated
autocrossers to suit their own purposes and interests.  "Attracting new
is the political justification for the pre-determined action.  It didn't
for Sport Trucks, it didn't work for F125, and I don't see that it's working
SM/ST - because it doesn't address the motivations and requirements of new
members.  I think the BEST example of "attracting new members", or at least
participants, was the CM integration of FF.  That worked because the "new
members" were actually already active SCCA participants that were being
from other venues, and even there the influx was only a fraction of what we
from normal turnover.>>>

Exactly. OTOH, they took away Dan Cole's playground. Watching the Silver Fox
run was a real joy.

Paul Foster

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