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Re: Paving advise

Subject: Re: Paving advise
From: Jim Hedderick <>
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 09:46:45 -0600
Houston Region has been running on a "temporary" course base coat surface for 
years. It was pretty bad at first, but after about 8 months it stabilized. In 70
degree weather or more, I see cars carrying the inside front wheel, so it must
have pretty good grip now. I suspect the break up problems we had the first 8
months were due more to the fact it hadn't cured than us running on it, but 
say for sure. We had very little break up this summer.

We are supposed to have "real" asphalt in 6 months or so, but things never seem 
go as fast as expected.

Jim Hedderick
Houston Region wrote:

> Hey Folks,
> We have the opportunity to acquire a new site this year (THEY want us for 6
> events plus a divisional. Can you say Whooma tm ????), and some concerns have
> been raised about the surface. We believe it may be paved with "Coarse Base
> Coat", and it may not have a "Top Coat", as in regular highway asphalt paving.
> Has anyone used a lot with such asphalt paving, and if so, was there was any
> damage from autocross/race tires?. Private reply is fine, but this may be
> good info for the list to see alos.
> TIA,
> Mike Dickerson
> RE, Central Kentucky Region
> Lexington, Kentucky

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