Phil writes:
> I was thinking of three problems: Heater valve, water pump, thermostat.
> Heater valve. First, does the car even have one? I don't know if the
> temperature lever on this car is supposed to work by water valve or by
> air-mixing. If there IS a water valve, where is it? And if there is a
> valve, is the heater-valve control cable a common problem on these cars and
> what is the fix?
The heater valve is just right of center, just in front of the firewall. A
cable runs from the hot/cold lever to the valve. This won't have anything to
do with the overheating problem, only the heater.
> Water pump. Where the heck is it? I have a sinking feeling that it is
> buried inside the car and runs off the cam belt. I had a Ford Escort like
> that once, and would not look forward to dealing with a similar setup. I
> have not found the water pump externally. I think I have found a purpose
> for each of the three belts: Power steering, air conditioning and
> alternator. There do not appear to be any belts missing.
The timing belt runs the water pump. It's on the back side of the engine,
and there's a long tube running off the back of it, that goes across under
the manifold to the other end of the engine. If it failed, it would probably
trash the timing belt. I doubt it's the problem.
> Thermostat. Where the heck are they hiding that? The fitting on the engine
> end of the upper radiator hose, the one with the bleed screw, sure looked
> like a thermostat housing to me. It was also exactly in the place where I
> would put a thermostat. Guess again. Not only is there no thermostat in
> there, there looks to be no provision for one. The hole there leads directly
> into the water jacket of the cylinder head, so there is no place further in
> that contains a thermostat. I know that the Lotus Europa hides its
> thermostat inside a hose, so I checked for that by squeezing the upper
> radiator hose. The entire hose is soft.
The t-stat is around behind the right side of the engine, in a housing. It
must be at the end of the lower radiator hose, if I remember correctly. I
think this is the problem. Be careful not to snap bolts off, and you might
also end up replacing the upper thermostat cover if there has been any
corrosion, as they getthin and get pinhole leaks. I'd try this first.
If that doesn't do it, you'd look for a plugged up radiator next, then a
blown head gasket.
I'm betting on the t-stat...