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Re: Street Mod exclusions

To: <>
Subject: Re: Street Mod exclusions
From: "Matt Murray" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 16:19:45 -0500
I bet if we sit down and look at a lot of these cars (Porsches included) I
bet we could find good classes were they might fit in the current structure.
Hey, Rog, wanna come back to classing things? :^)

Matt Murray

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
To: "kent rafferty" <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2000 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: Street Mod exclusions

> Kent Rafferty wrote:
> > In broad terms, SM is a
> >  "street car" class
> It's good to see you're including the quotes in the above.
> They're quite appropriate. SM more open than Prepared in many
> ways, but with interiors.
> > where (almost) anything goes.
> > Turbos,
> Yep. And BOVs, and whatever. So far, the SM rules don't even
> prohibit putting dry ice on your intercooler. Are you guys gonna
> try to fix that, or is it OK with you?
> > superchargers, engine swaps,
> Not only engine swaps, but no restrictions on what you do inside
> the engine. Prepared ++.
> > differential
> > and tranny swaps,
> And custom-cut gears. You can build a car with a 1000 rpm wide
> power band and put three or four gears in your 'box that are
> close enough together to keep you there all the way around a Solo
> II course. Try driving that one home.  =8<0
> > Even
> > the basic premise of the class is expen$ive :-)
> I claim it's gonna be lots more expensive than most of the
> proponents of the class have ever imagined.
> > Not only will SM survive, it'll thrive.
> Time will tell.
> > Quite a few new
> > SM cars are being built as we speak.
> But is the turbo Justy gonna be allowed? That's what I really
> wanna know.  ;<)
> Jay

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