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Re: Street Mod exclusions,

To: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Subject: Re: Street Mod exclusions,
From: "Roger Johnson" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 13:05:47 -0500
Jay sez:

> I was pointing out the incredible discrepancy between the "stated
> intent" of the class and its extremely liberal prep allowances.
> Jay

Roger agrees:

  Very common with ANY new or proposed class.  The stated intent
is 'build it and they will come';  the inevitable result is dilution of
existing classes and diffusion of the ever-present group of folks new
to the sport.
  The advice from the past, commonly given to rookies regarding
learning to drive and car selection/preparation is seemingly no
longer valid.
  Marketing skills (i.e., being able to sell a new class) have come to
the fore as the method to the top.

  -This statement is in NO way an appeal to maintain the status quo,
but rather, once again, a plea to restrain the incredible number of
classes we currently have, and the additions that are daily proposed.
  In short, we need to both consolidate some of the existing undersubscribed
classes and kill off some of the currrent experiments that are clearly not
working to make room for the vehicles/prep levels of today and tomorrow.

Roger 2

. . . . . . .flogging the deceased equine again. . . . . . .

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