At 04:35 PM 12/1/00 -0500, wrote:
>For all the "King Howie" tongue-in-cheekyness that goes on, we are all
>very, very lucky to have Howard in the job that he has. Howard "gets it"
>better than anyone else in the sport. We could do far worse than have the
>person who best understands the sport be in such a position of influence.
I agree. Yes, Howard and I have had a run in or two (usually ProSolo
related), and I admit they were probably my fault (except I have tape I
didn't hit those cones in Evansville, but that's another story), being
young and irritated.
But, give the guy a break. He's always been nothing but nice to me, and
anyone else I've seen him talk to. And he takes a lot of shit. WAAAAY
more than I would or could.
Sam Strano