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Re: 2001 Ayer, Mass. Nationals

Subject: Re: 2001 Ayer, Mass. Nationals
From: Todd Totman <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 01:37:57 +0000
New to this sport/list, so pardon me if I ask a question.  Are we
talking about SCCA nationals?  I was led to believe that the Solo II
Nats were always held in Topeka.  This would be GREAT if they were going
to be held in NY state this year (MA isn't too long a drive, either). 
Where they might be held is Griffis Park (old USAF base) is what my
guess would be if they were held in NY.

Thank you,

Todd Totman
shoestring racing
'95 neon Sport
'95 neon Sport Coupe

> In speaking with some people at this year's Nationals, I was told the Ayer,
> Mass. Nats. might not be there in 2001, instead it could be in NY somewhere.
> Is this true?  What is the current thought on this?  And when would the date
> be?
> Am I the only one who's planning this far ahead?

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