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Re: ...woo-hoo

To: "Mark J. Andy" <>,
Subject: Re: ...woo-hoo
From: Nick Flynn <>
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2000 15:20:31 -0500
At 03:08 PM 11/8/00 -0500, Mark J. Andy wrote:
>On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Rocky Entriken wrote:
>> If Bush's plan to give tax relief to the very rich or Gore's fuzzy math
>> impacts my ability to afford what I do, that's on point.
>How about property taxes?  Sales tax?  Best schools for your children
>(after all, that might limit where you can run)? etc. etc. etc.
>If you wanna take it far enough, everything impacts everything else.  That
>doesn't mean that its appropriate to start a _predominently_ political
>discussion on a _predominently_ autox only list.

I hate "me too" posts as much as the next guy, but I'm seconding this one.

Take it elsewhere.  (There are plenty of places to fight this one out on).

- Nick

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