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Re: STS Tires - best way!!!

To: "Autox" <>
Subject: Re: STS Tires - best way!!!
From: "Brian Berryhill" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 15:16:36 -0600
> -Use a Spec street tire.  Or maybe one for each manufacture who wants to
> play.

I think using one tire is crazy.  I know some cars prefer different tires
than others.  This is all dependent on suspension, balance, weight, etc... a
stiff sidewall might be good for one car, but bad for another.  Using a spec
tire would take away this selectability, and would show *favortism* towards
some cars.

One from each manufacturer is a slightly better idea.  But, I still uphold
having an inclusion list of tires that are legal.  If the tire isn't on the
list, too bad.  This makes a lot more people happy and is just as
enforceable as having a spec tire.

> -have an "official distributor" like TireRack who you must by the tires
> from (can you put a mark on the tire that proves is came through
> TireRack?).  Or just stick with one Spec Tire if this is the only
> way...but keep TireRack as the distributor.

Nothing against the TireRack, I've bought a 3 sets of tires from them.  But,
once again, we're limiting people.  People don't like to be limited.  What
if someone is goodie-goodie with that hometown tire store and always buy
their tires there?  I assume the reason for buying tires from the Tire Rack
would be to certify that the tires are legal, and not V700 rubber in 712
molds because of a guy that knows a guy at the plant where the tires are
made and can do that for a small under-the-table fee.

> -Everyone wins....SCCA wins, the racer wins, the protest committe wins
> and one of SCCA's best sponsors wins!!!!!  What a great combo!

I have to buy only one brand of tire to use on my street car that may not
want a tire that wears out quick, or a tire that doesn't grip enough.  ...No
way!  That's why its nice to choose!

> .....and the barriers to entry into Nationals for an STS guy is raised
> slightly, but certainly not anywhere near enough to strangle the class.
> And the local scene is left alone.  I love this idea.

In my case, I would see no point in racing in the local scene unless I were
going to use the same tire I planned to use at a higher event (like Nat's).
So, for me, if I were ever going to Nat's, I would probably have to buy new
wheels for the spec tires, and I wouldn't get the same practice that I can
get on the street by using my daily driver tires/wheels/car as my autox car.

The answer:  A tire inclusion list.


Brian Berryhill

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