Alan Pozner wrote...
> I would be very happy if my wins were televised nationally and I became
> a local celebrity. But this is a GRASS ROOTS MOTORSPORT and the
> complexion would really change if the media (translated - big money)
> were to be involved. Look at NASCAR Winston cup. The recent influx of
> media money has "turned it up a notch" Now to win you must have a
> multi-car team. The price of poker just went up.
This is partly true, but you are forgetting that NASCAR is more than
just thirty-odd cars on Sunday afternoon.
It also includes an array of lower-level series, all the way down to
actual grassroots guys with real jobs running on Saturday night dirt
tracks. Just because there is big money involved at the top, does not
mean grassroots competition can't exist.
That is like saying because NBA players make millions of dollars, 10
kids can't play pickup ball at the park.
Would you be opposed to having autocrossing be so popular that while
it might take big money to win a National Championship, you had your
choice of running the local Friday night, Saturday evening, or Sunday
series, 15 minutes from your house?
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