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RE: Speedvision costs, was: Mr Video problem

To: "Murray, Matthew D." <>,
Subject: RE: Speedvision costs, was: Mr Video problem
From: "Jeff Lloyd" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 22:13:35 -0400
How is raising the entry fee by 20-30$ in addition to getting some big time
sponsors in addition to the existing sponsors
Someone needs to open the door to sponsors and this seems like a nice way to
do it. Daimler/Chrysler (kind of like tiffanies/K-mart)
Already is dishing out tons of $$$ to get their name known, they could just
pay for coverage of D-stock alone!!!  Much better then those STUPID
"DODGE=DIFFERENT" commercials Ok, let me buy one of them...

Sorry I'm tired and getting ready for bed but I think it might work...


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Murray, Matthew D.
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 12:18 PM
To: Teamdotnet
Subject: Speedvision costs, was: Mr Video problem

A repost from not too long ago (July).

Matt Murray
From: Jeff Lloyd
Mabye Mr. Murray can convince a camera crew from SpeedVision to perform the
filming; I love their coverage of the runoffs
Subject:  Speedvision Air Time
Date: 2000-07-16 10:07

Since we have not rehashed an old thread in a few minutes, I thought I'd
pass this along.

The discussion of getting Porsche Club of America races on Speedvision, came
up on the Porsche list < >. This is a different club than
the Porsche Owners Club which has had a few races air recently on
Speedvision. The poster had some very good information on costs.

Matt Murray

Subject: Speedvision
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 01:23:23 EDT

Just to let you know the costs of producing a TV show, I put some rough
numbers together. The crew and equipment will cost about $65,000, (btw, this
is with hiring local crew, the costs will go up if you need to fly people in
plus pay for hotel & per diem) this also includes satellite time & uplink
truck. If it was on a delayed basis, you could save a little money. It
depends on how much you have to edit. The last time I inquired on time on
Speedvision, it was $8,000 for a 1/2 hour. You would get a break on say a 2
hour show (that way the whole race & qualifying could be covered, instead of
a highlight show like the POC Enduro).

Say you get 2 Title sponsors @ $25,000 each, they will get billboards, title
sponsorship, and 4 spots each. That leaves 16 spots @ roughly $2200 each.

for that, you break even. That doesn't include preproduction, animations,
commissions for sales person, etc.

And that is just for Speedvision. The last time I bought time on ESPN, I

$25,000 per half hour. That was several years ago & they have raised their
rates substantially since then.

That is why it is tough to get our sport on TV. If you have relationships
with marketing people with loads of dough, contact me. If they can
fund it, I can produce a hell of a show!!!

Kenyon Blower
Owner Vide-Post Productions

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