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Re: GPS and crashing new cars

To: "Murray, Matthew D." <>
Subject: Re: GPS and crashing new cars
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 15:21:45 -0700
Could this all be an urban myth? I hope so! It's great being broke all
the time and can't even think about buying one of these new cars...
--Pat Kelly

"Murray, Matthew D." wrote:
> Three posts from the Porsche list < >. Interesting info
> for Driver's Ed and track events in new cars.
> Matt Murray
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Dont crash a 2000+ model year car--- Watkins Glen true story
> ----BIG
> BROTHER & FEDS will know via GPS & Sattellite
> From: "Joe Fab"
> Crash any latemodel car with Global Positioning Sattelite technology. There
> is absolutely no place to hide with Onstar and sattelite links! They will
> find you.
> here is why~~~~
> In the last 2-3 weeks there was a new 2000 BMW that wrecked at turn 10
> Watkins Glen....the BMW driver lost it in this very fast left hand
> slide off with instructor at high speed into gravel trap
> <sideways> where the wheels wedged in and pitched the car into barrel roll
> that occurred many times!!! BMW was equiped with standard GPS sattelite
> communication for road-side assistance- distress. This is standard on most
> USA & Euro highline cars.
> Guess what happened---- car starts speaking in english and chiming and
> informing occupant that it has summoned emergency rescue services and
> notified the authorities! This continues repeatedly and the chiming
> continues unabated and the car tells the occupants not to move and what not
> to touch.>
> BMW sattelite link computer notifies search and rescue. Ambulances and Fire
> Trucks from the town of Watkins Glen rush to the track....sirens and horns
> blazin! No sh t.
> 1) Do you know what else this means to all of us car enthusiasts in the
> future
>  2) what data the BMW phoned home and recorded to the owners VIN #
> 3). what this means longterm
> Think about this for awhile it will blow your mind!
> possible answers~~~~
> 1) BMW knows the severity of the crash from accelerometers and other
> telemetry. BMW knows how many Gs the car experienced in the initial
> impact.and other impacts.....where it was
> impacted........barrell rolls.....and on what side the car was finally
> situated.
> 2) By GPS gravitational sattelite positioning....they know precisely where
> the accident occurred on the face of the EARTH and when AS they summon the
> "calvary" to save your ass. Mercedes sends in their own accident team
> investigators!
> 3) cant say I had to dodge a Dog on the way to Church and
> hit a "light blue" guardrail OR a light blue car hit my car and ran in  the
> Church parking lot!!!
> God only knows what else they know and can communicate......does anyone know
> what else they know!
> Best Regards
> Joe Fabiani Fabspeed Motorsport
> tel 215-646-4945
> PS new email effective immediately
>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: RE: Dont crash a 2000+ model year car--- Watkins Glen true story
>  ----BIG BROTHER & FEDS will know via GPS & Sattellite
> From: "eric salem"
> I do know that on some '00 & '01 corvettes you just get a certified letter
> from GM voiding your warrantee after a certain combination of lateral G's
> and acceleration / deceleration. This happend to one of the guys in our
> office. He'd only had the car three months when he got the letter.
> e
>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: RE: Dont crash a 2000+ model year car--- Watkins Glen true story...
> From: AL8001@aol
> For the past ~5 model years, the engine computer on BMWs will record a
> engine
> over rev.  This would be good information to have when purchasing a used
> car.
> Many pre Onstar GM cars will record crash data in the airbag control module.
> Things like, belt usage, speed, brakes on/off and probably a few other
> things.  From what I recall, the module will hold data for 6 crashes
> All the Onstar stuff is just a percurser for the proposed OBD 3 EPA
> emissions
> program.  From what I hear, a car that runs out of spec will receive a fix
> it
> ( or fine) letter in the mail.
> Harold

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