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Re: cooking question

Subject: Re: cooking question
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 16:18:42 EDT
In a message dated 10/17/00 12:16:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
<<  want to "turn it up a notch" and add some Cruzan orange rum to a chocolate
 cake mix.  Would substituting half or all of the water with rum cause
 disastrous results? >>
Not quite "disasterous", but you won't be happy..
<< How about adding some rum to the Betty Crocker frosting
in a can?>>
Much better idea, thicken by adding more sifted confectioner's sugar...
Best bet...  brush the liquor onto the cooked cake prior to frosting. Not to 
the point of creating mush.. but it'll give you the flavor without altering 
the chemistry of the whole project.
 <<<Ahh, bachelor life.  Macaroni & cheese or Banquest microwave dinners.>>

A true bachelor knows the answer...  When in doubt, eat out!!

Alan "Yes, I can cook" Stratton
Former pantry chef prior to getting "an education"

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