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Re: I got C Mod pains...

To: anne & greg <>
Subject: Re: I got C Mod pains...
From: washburn <>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 22:53:59 -0500
anne & greg wrote:
> Pat,
> As a mid pack or worse finisher in CM for several years I'll be interested to
> see if your opinion of the talent in the class changes after you drive there 
> a year or two.  I was a decent DSP driver with one finish in the trophies at
> Nationals in a car that was good but not at the limits of preparation.  I'm 
> offended by your comments, however I also went into CM thinking that hard work
> and good preparation would make for a competitive effort.  I now believe that
> hard work, exceptional preparation, and great talent are required to make it
> near the top.  That said, I have no plans to change classes anytime soon.  CM 
> a lot of fun.  I hope you find yourself a ride soon and best of luck.
> Greg Vincent

I tell ya, after running a couple years with the likes of Daddio in DS,
I am schooled about the "it takes hard work and great talent to win"
thing.  I agree whole heartedly!  Same thing applies to Tommy, Stuart,
Gary, Bill, CM.  (BTW, I'm not so certain that mid-pack in CM at
Nationals is not competitive.)  I thought this may strike someone
slightly wrong, so I should re-state:  I think it takes, as you just
mentioned, exceptional talent and hard work to reach the top of ALL of
our classes.  There are no "soft" classes, and one class is not
inherently more difficult than another, just different skill sets. 
(Well, I might agree with Ross about A Mod...yikes!)  I may change my
opinion down the road for sure, this is how I see it from here right
now.  Hell I may be eating all these words big time, but that's part of
the fun, isn't it?  Thanks and I'll look forward to seeing you at an


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