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Re: Why I run Stock

Subject: Re: Why I run Stock
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 15:21:55 EDT
In a message dated 10/12/2000 8:32:06 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< How much do you have in your car/tires/shocks?
 I haven't researched CM, but you can get a competitive BM car for $15000
 that wouldn't need a whole lot of work to be nationally competitive. (except
 driver in my case)  Plus, once you build the motor, you are set for a long
 time since these cars are built for road racing...they barely warm up in an
 auto-x.  Of course you can't finance/lease this...
 For a mod car, a tow vehicle isn't an issue.  These cars weight 1100#, so
 you don't need a huge trailer.  You could probably even tow one with a neon
 This issue will never get solved, as some people just like prepared/mod and
 some just like stock cars.  Some like to tinker/change and some don't.  No
 negatives either way, just what people choose to do.  I could dispute your
 "stock" car figures all day, and you could dispute my "prepared" car ones
 all day, too... >>

Yes I know to set up a stock class car to national competitive prep levels 
can be somewhat expensive depending on what you buy.  I bought my car already 
prepped so it didn't cost any extra.  I also got wheels and tires so that 
wasn't an issue.  The only real expenses has been tires and that's the same 
expense any racer would have anyway.  I raced my car nearly every weekend for 
two years and never broke anything.  I'm sure that if I had a mod car and did 
that much racing I'd be looking at several dollars in broken something or 

Expense aside as a reason to race stock class, I can see another good reason 
and that's storage.  Since I race my daily driver I don't need (OK have) a 
storage facility for when it's not being raced.

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