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Referring to Postings

Subject: Referring to Postings
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 16:20:58 EDT
Having received posting from from almost the beginning, I have 
always felt that it was the autocross complete forum.  That any subject might 
be broached that pertained to autocrossers, autocross community,  autocross 
driver training, autocross vehicles that are for sale and any other news of 
the moment. 
I certainly feel that to stifle people from writing to the "net" sends a bad 
message to all the others within the community.  In addition I think that the 
brainstorming that the various postings develop is quite healthy for all the 
autocrossers and allows an open communications. 
To reprimand 1 person for so-called advertising, sends a message to any one 
who wants to post a message to censor themselves because of the possibility 
of ridicule
The autocross community Needs to have open communications amongst its 
Bruce Bellom 

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